
Westside FM - Streaming Live

Established on 01 June 2007, Westside FM intends to advance the social cohesion of the West Rand Community by providing an engaging and challenging radio experience to the West Rand.

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Established on 01 June 2007, Westside FM intends to advance the social cohesion of the West Rand Community by providing an engaging and challenging radio experience to the West Rand.

Established – 01 June 2007
Pay offline – Changing Mindsets
Frequency – 98.9 FM


  1. • Westside FM intends to advance the social cohesion of the West Rand Community by providing an engaging and challenging radio experience to the West Rand.
  2. • Improve access to local communication, information and community events
  3. • We aim to contribute to the education, health and social wealth of the diverse communities of the West Rand by providing access to the truly independent community radio station.


  1. • To provide a local and radio service for the community of West Rand, with associated programme content based on the input from our communities.
  2. • To increase the sense of connectedness between people of all ages, and social, cultural and ethnic backgrounds.
  3. • To be the general community radio station of first choice that broadcasts a mix of talk and music.

Most of our programs are presented in vernacular languages (Setswana, IsiXhosa, IsiZulu, Sesotho and also English). Our music ranges from Afro-pop, Afro-jazz, R&B, Soul, Kwaito, House, Reggae, Dancehall and Hip Hop.