Currently airing

What's Your Hustle

18:00 - 21:00

This show focuses on creating employment. From advertising job opportunities to having business experts on the show to have their brands or businesses be known and recognised both locally and also worldwide. From empowering the youth to get into the entertainment industry be it DJ'ying or even presenting. To being updated on how one can master the skill of having and maintaining a business. This show focuses on that and more.

WATTVILLE FM - Listen Live Streaming

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Wattville FM 'Serving Our Community' It's an online community radio station. This station is formed to empower the youth and provide a range of distinctive.

It offers a lineup consisting of 30% talk, covering news reports, weather, traffic updates, educational programme, Job Opportunities and specific topics such as the economy, politics, sports, religion, culture, and entertainment shows, and 70% music, with music programmes that combine different genres and decades.

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